Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Does Chest Pain And Metallic Taste Mean Why Do I Have Chest Pains And A Metallic Taste In My Mouth?

Why do I have chest pains and a metallic taste in my mouth? - what does chest pain and metallic taste mean

I wake up sometimes, shortness of breath, chest pain (), especially in the middle. I often have a metallic taste in the mouth and teeth. I suffer from frequent heartburn. I suffer from sleep apnea and snoring can sometimes be difficult. There were occasional eruptions. My heart varies rapidly on the basis of my condition. And I have panic attacks sometimes when I sit. I know that much, but everything happens at once. I do a lot of weight over a year - 40 €

My family history: My grandmother had diabetes and stroke. So my uncle. Two aunts died of cancer. My father also had liver problems in his life. I've gone a history of asthma as a child, when I grew up. Once fainted and was diagnosed with TIA, but it was five years ago. I half high cholesterol, but not dangerously high.

I expect my insurance card to arrive, it will be another month before I can see a doctor. I fear that could have a serious illness such as cancer, and adds to the problem. Ifanyone had similar symptoms or knows what I am describing, please help.


johnbull... said... = ... ...

1. Chemical Poisoning
2. The toxicity of copper
3. Ecstasy
4. Gastritis
5. Gastroesophageal reflux
6. Allergy to insect bites
7. Mercury poisoning
8. Poisoning Nephthytis
9. Non-Food Allergy - Bee
10. Heartburn
11. Rattlesnake Poisoning


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